Frequently Asked Questions

Please find below the answers to our most asked questions, if you have any answer you need a response to please email us at

What is your refund policy?

Please see our returns page for full detail of our returns policy

How long does shipping take?

Please see our delivery page for detailed time frames & costs

How long does Pre - Order take?

All items on Pre - order can have different production times the best way to discover the time frame is by clicking on product description and the estimated date should be at the top.

Can i collect my order?

Unfortunately we do not offer collection at this time

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept all major credit and debit cards such as Visa, Maestro, MasterCard, Discover and JCB.

You can also pay using PayPal or 'pay later' options such as Klarna, ClearPay and PayPal.

When do you restock a sold out item?

We restock our most popular pieces as soon as we please make sure you are signed up for restock notifications on the product page.  Please note that items from the Sale category are unlikely to be restocked.

Who pays for Customs, Duties and Taxes?

3SPIRIT is not responsible for any import duties, taxes, customs fees, brokerage fees or any other charges issued by your local government. These charges are the responsibility of the recipient and the funds are received exclusively by your local government.